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Cloth Diapering Package Examples

While we don't sell packages of cloth diapers, as we believe the best case scenario is that families can pick and choose products to create their ideal supply, we know starting out can be confusing!  If you're looking for guidance on amounts and some examples of what a full supply of cloth diapers of different types might look like, here are some suggestions.  All of these examples are geared towards full time use; If you're just starting out and want to test the waters before buying a full supply, or if you'll only be using cloth diapers part time, cut these numbers in half.

All Prefolds, All the Time $170.39 Total* (*before tax)

This is a bare minimum stash of prefolds and covers for full time cloth diapering with a newborn, with doublers added in for additional absorbency for nighttime diapering.  To be a bit more comfortable between washing times we would recommend adding a couple more diaper covers (Thirsties Duo Wraps) and another 6-pack of prefolds.  Prices listed will go up a bit for organic cotton or larger sizes for the prefolds (for a bigger/older baby).

Prefold & Fitted Diaper Mix $217.69 Total* (*before tax)

Not sure all prefolds are your jam but not into all-in-ones or pocket diapers?  Try some prefolds with a handful of fitted diapers mixed in for night time, going out, or quicker changes.  This lot includes a mix of 18 prefolds and 6 fitteds, with 6 total covers that can be used over both.  For $60 more, you could replace one pack of prefolds with another 6 Esembly fitted diapers and have an even half and half mix! 

Prefolds and All-in-Ones $363.79 Total* (*before tax)

This is an example of a mixed starter supply to cloth diaper a newborn, full time.  With 12 prefolds, 4 diaper covers, and 12 all-in-ones you will have a total of 24 diapers to work with.  Use the doublers for additional absorbency for overnight diapering.  Add in 6 more diapers of your choice (I would recommend trying out some of the Esembly Inner Fitted Diapers for more variety, they are great for nighttime with young babies!) to be a little more comfortable between washing times.  Prices listed will go up a bit for organic cotton options or larger sizes for the prefolds (for a bigger/older baby).

One Size Diaper Mix-n-Match $521.50 Total

For past the newborn stage (probably best to use starting between 2-3mo old, or around 12lbs, in our experience!), this is an example of a full time supply with 24 varied type one size diapers.  It includes a mix of 6 all-in-ones, 12 all-in-two/hybrid diapers, and 6 pocket diapers.  You may also need some Thirsties Hemp/Organic Cotton Inserts to use as extra absorbency in the Thirsties One Size Pocket Diapers for overnight use once you baby is sleeping for longer stretches.

Don't Forget the Accessories $143.90 Total* (*before tax)

These items are not true essentials but will make cloth diapering much easier in the long run!  Grab two diaper pail liners (to pair with a regular flip top garbage can to make a complete diaper pail), a couple of wet bags to keep in your diaper bag, 3 dozen reusable cloth wipes, and a small clutch size wet bag to carry wet cloth wipes with you on the go.  These accessories will be a one time purchase to carry you through all of your baby's diapering days and beyond!